Planetary Siege at the Rose 05/03/2016
We threw together a tournament at the Rose Park at last minute, here are the results of the tourney in ranking order.1st. Louis
Poe Dameron [R2-D2, Veteran Instincts, Autothrusters] (38)
Gold Squadron Pilot [Twin Laser Turret] (24)
Gold Squadron Pilot [BTL-A4 Y-Wing, R3-A2, Twin Laser Turret] (26)
Bandit Squadron Pilot (12)
Louis decided he wanted to give Paul Heaver's list from Worlds a go and it appears it still has quite a bite as he topped out with a win.
Left - Teach faces off against Louis
“Howlrunner” (18)
“Wampa” (14)
“Chaser” (14)
Obsidian Squadron Pilot (13)
“Whisper” (41)
TIE Phantom (32), Agent Kallus (2), Fire-Control System (2), Veteran Instincts (1), Advanced Cloaking Device (4)
Caleb ran a Tie Swarm with a loaded up Whisper.
Below - Caleb swarming Amit's Vader and Palpatine with ties.
Chewbacca (45)
YT-1300 (42), Predator (3)
Dash Rendar (54)
YT-2400 Freighter (36), Veteran Instincts (1), Heavy Laser Cannon (7), "Lando" (2), Outrider (5), Experimental Interface (3)
Keats ran double defensive pancakes, Chewbacca keeping it simple with only Predator and loading up dash with extra defense coming from Lando.
Below - Keats and Cole dial in prepared getting ready for a pew pew.
Kath Scarlet (41)
Firespray-31 (38), K4 Security Droid (3)
Syndicate Thug (26)
Y-Wing (18), Twin Laser Turret (6), R4 Agromech (2), BTL-A4 Y-Wing (0)
Guri (33)
StarViper (30), Virago (1), Fire-Control System (2)
I ran my some of my favourite scum ships with some of my favourite upgrades. Kath with k4 and Guri with fire control. Both perfect for those bumpy situations.
Poe Dameron (39)
T-70 X-Wing (31), R2-D2 (4), Lone Wolf (2), Autothrusters (2)
Han Solo (59)
YT-1300 (46), Push the Limit (3), Chewbacca (4), Nien Nunb (1), Millennium Falcon (1), Engine Upgrade (4)
Thematic list with a Han and Poe both loaded to the hilt.
IG88-B (50)
Aggressor (36), Predator (3), Heavy Laser Cannon (7), Glitterstim (2), Autothrusters (2)
Syndicate Thug (25) x 2
Y-Wing (18), Twin Laser Turret (6), Unhinged Astromech (1)
Cole with a nasty long range secondary weapon scum list here. Approach with caution.
Omicron Group Pilot (29)
Lambda-Class Shuttle (21), Emperor Palpatine (8)
Darth Vader (34)
TIE Advanced (29), TIE/x1 (0), Engine Upgrade (4), Advanced Targeting Computer (5)
“Echo” (37)
TIE Phantom (30), Fire-Control System (2), Veteran Instincts (1), Advanced Cloaking Device (4)
Palpatine commanding his Aces here.I would have expected a Sontir but he opted in Echo instead.
As we had 7 players there were some byes so I only really have 2 matches to report. As I played in the tourney I couldn't really keep an eye on the other games but I think next time I T.O something I'll sit out and have a look.
Match 1
Lambda-Class Shuttle (21), Emperor Palpatine (8)
Darth Vader (34)
TIE Advanced (29), TIE/x1 (0), Engine Upgrade (4), Advanced Targeting Computer (5)
“Echo” (37)
TIE Phantom (30), Fire-Control System (2), Veteran Instincts (1), Advanced Cloaking Device (4)
Palpatine commanding his Aces here.I would have expected a Sontir but he opted in Echo instead.
As we had 7 players there were some byes so I only really have 2 matches to report. As I played in the tourney I couldn't really keep an eye on the other games but I think next time I T.O something I'll sit out and have a look.
Match 1
Poe Dameron (39)
T-70 X-Wing (31), R2-D2 (4), Lone Wolf (2), Autothrusters (2)
Han Solo (59)
YT-1300 (46), Push the Limit (3), Chewbacca (4), Nien Nunb (1), Millennium Falcon (1), Engine Upgrade (4)
I managed to get Teach's Falcon down quite low but in the end I had split my dps as my Y wing was shooting at Poe who was just healing back his shields with R2D2. In the end I should have tried to focus down one of ships instead of being greedy. Teach took out my whole list leaving me with only 29 points from damaging his falcon to lower than half.
Match 2
Omicron Group Pilot (29)
Lambda-Class Shuttle (21), Emperor Palpatine (8)
Darth Vader (34)
TIE Advanced (29), TIE/x1 (0), Engine Upgrade (4), Advanced Targeting Computer (5)
“Echo” (37)
TIE Phantom (30), Fire-Control System (2), Veteran Instincts (1), Advanced Cloaking Device (4)
Taking advantage of bumping and still being able to assign tokens using K4 on Kath and both Guri's pilot ability and her fire control system I managed to keep my ships shots accurate. Though the Phantom got off a few good shoots and eventually took out my Y-Wing, Vader was denied actions for the whole dog fight due to bumping in the close range mess my opponent and I had caused. This meant that Vader never got to use his Advanced Targeting Computer. Ultimately I was able to take out both Aces and then eventually the shuttle which was pretty defenseless to to Kath and Guri.
In the end we had an awesome day of flying and generous prize support from the club!
Thanks for reading guys! Store Championship reports coming soon.
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